Specialised Training Programs
Missions Interlink runs a number of specialised training programs for those preparing for cross-cultural mission.
MI Advanced Security Training (MAST)
An interactive course incorporating classroom learning, indoor and outdoor training, and role-play sessions. Participants are trained on relevant topics facing believers working in open and restricted access areas.
Mission Trips Training (MTT)
This course is suitable for mission trips under 3 weeks.
Missions Interlink Language Learning (MILL)
We also offer a pre-departure course designed to help develop the skills, techniques, methods and attitudes necessary to learn another language.
Missions Interlink Short-term Training (MIST)
This is a two – three day weekend course designed to provide an environment in which participants are stimulated to think and learn more about the challenges of living and working as a short-termer in a cross-cultural setting.
Transition Training (TT)
This is an eight-day, live-in intensive course providing orientation to participants preparing to live in another culture and prior to their deployment as long-term cross-cultural missionaries
Transition Training Remote Indigenous Ministries (T-TRIM)
A training program addresses the key issues involved in making an effective transition to working with Australian Aboriginal people, particularly in remote communities.
Further Education via our Members/Associates
A number of Bible Colleges and mission organisations also conduct training across Australia. Currently our members/associates are listing over 25 short courses and 150 education programs on Mission Seek.