Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

Our Vision

Our vision is to see churches in Australia effectively engaging in cross-cultural and global mission.

 ....and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the Lamb....Revelation 7:9

Our task towards achieving this vision is to build the capacity of Member and Associate organisations and we do this through collaboration and representation by building:



Connecting members nationally, regionally, and internationally through information sharing, events, prayer, and common-interest networks.



Providing training, resources, workshops, research and information to support and promote the cross-cultural and global mission.



Representing members to the government on matters of common interest and concern, and initiating and coordinating collaborative action.



Promoting and facilitating best practice and unity and providing assistance and support to member organisations.

Refer to our vision document for more information.

Our Basis of Faith and Integrity

Missions Interlink Members and Associates ascribe to the EA Statement of Faith and agree to abide by the MI Standards and Core Values. Member use of the Missions Interlink logo implies high standards of governance and financial accountability, giving the Christian public assurance of their integrity.

Our Core Values

Member organisations share a common commitment to the following core values.

1. The Nature of Mission

We believe that Mission:

  • Has its source in the self-giving love of the Triune God.

  • Is the responsibility of all God’s people and grows out of participation in a worshipping community.

  • Involves proclaiming and living the Gospel especially where it is unknown, ignored or repudiated.

  • Embraces holistic involvement in both evangelism and social concern.

  • Requires personal experience of salvation in Christ and life in the Spirit.

2. The Context of Mission

We take seriously:

  • The historical and cultural identity of all people-groups as God’s creatures.

  • The need to communicate God’s unchanging Gospel meaningfully and relevantly to all people-groups.

  • The power inherent in cultures, including our own, to distort the truth.

  • Any opposition present in non-Christian world-views and belief systems to God’s purposes in his world.

3. The Central Convictions undergirding Mission

We uphold and proclaim:

  • The love of the Triune God for His creation, the people of the world all made in His image, and their accountability to Him.

  • The authority and full trustworthiness of the Bible.

  • The necessity of salvation found only in Christ, to avoid the consequences of sin which have distorted the essential dignity of humanity and caused its alienation from God through the fall.

  • The uniqueness of Christ and the centrality of His death, resurrection, present rule and future personal return, and the necessity of personal faith in Him.

  • The transforming and enabling work and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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PO Box 5214 Pinewood VIC 3149


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