Transition Training is a 8-day live-in program provided by Missions Interlink. The course is designed to enhance the participant’s knowledge in Biblical principles and increase missiological awareness. The course provides practical experience in many of the skills necessary for making an effective transition to another culture. The course is based around learning goals and requires participants to engage in their own learning development. The various elements of the program are fully integrated and therefore we require full attendance during the course. Some material, which requires completion, will be sent to participants before the course.

Photo: Team building exercises at TT
Benefits of participating:
a training program based on experiential learning.
individual learning objectives providing participants with the opportunity to direct their own learning.
family participation in the experience, with a program specifically designed to help children make this transition.
a team of experienced facilitators drawn from a variety of missions and situations.
community living, enabling peer support and interaction.
contact with specific communities and churches where learning can be pursued and tested.
Hear why Transition Training is worth attending
Transition Training Video from Pioneers on Vimeo.
For more information about the course, please contact Rachel Borneman, tt@missionsinterlink.org.au