Transition Training Remote Indigenous Ministries

Transition Training Remote Indigenous Ministries

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Transition Training Remote Indigenous Ministries

Transition Training for Remote Indigenous Ministries (T-TRIM) addresses the key issues involved in effectively transitioning to working with Australian Aboriginal people, particularly in remote communities. 

We recommend:

  • Completing the whole course (about 10 days) over two blocks. The first block is run in mid-January and the second week of the NT October school holidays.

  • For an introduction and limited time to do the first unit, ‘Working with Aboriginal Australians’ + Taster (3 days).

  • Attending any unit is a professional development opportunity to develop your cross-cultural capacity.

The course is held in Darwin NT and units include: 

  • Working with Aboriginal Australians & Taster

  • Living and Working With Aboriginal Australians

  • Aboriginal Languages

  • Living in Two Worlds

  • Christian Spirituality in Aboriginal Australian Context

  • Health, Cultural Safety and Chaplaincy

Some pre-reading and other preparation may be required.

Quotes from previous participants:

“Useful practical info presented in interesting and experiential ways”

"I learned more than I’d ever learned in formal education or life alongside Indigenous people in Australia. If you want to take steps toward understanding our Indigenous brothers and sisters, I couldn’t recommend this course more as a comprehensive introduction to effective communication and the means to true unity."

“If I was ever tempted to think I could just 'feel my way' through cross-cultural interactions with Aboriginal Australians, 'Living in Two Worlds' helpfully dispelled that illusion. The course opened my eyes to the profound differences between Western and Aboriginal worldviews and gave me an invaluable toolkit for starting to engage in that space.”

"I would heartily recommend T-TRIM to any Christian who is doing ministry to Aboriginal people" (both Top End and Central Australia).

"A fantastic and insightful week of cultural training, filled with relevant theory and real stories. Highly recommend!"

"This course has been good in giving a deeper understanding and reasons as to why we might experience culture challenges."

"A helpful introduction to those going into the field and extended learning for those already engaged in Aboriginal ministry."

Living in Two Worlds

"Understanding your level of cultural intelligence (CQ) is extremely important when preparing to enter into a new and contrasting culture. TTRIM is a great opportunity to learn and self-reflect on how you can best prepare and grow your CQ before you immerse yourself in a new culture."

Health & Chaplains

"It was helpful in understanding the barriers and communication errors of health."

"Great information shared and really helpful in beginning to understand the complexities of Indigenous health programs."


Read about the course

Benefits of Participating:

  • ‘You will learn more about yourself and intercultural engagement through several self-reflection tools’.

  • ‘You will learn first-hand from facilitators from a variety of missions who invested their lives working with Aboriginal Australians and are still on the journey’.

  • ‘Brings hope in building a bridge of unity between the two worlds’. 

  • ‘Helps one to relate to the Aboriginal Australian cross-cultural context’.

  • ‘Helps you to understand where cross-cultural mistakes can occur and how to move forward with being more effective in your communication’.

  • ‘Takes time to reflect on issues with different perspectives presented’.

  • ‘Enjoy fellowship with others on a similar journey’.

  • ‘There is flexibility to pick the units you’re most interested in’.

  • ‘Brings together one’s personal faith in Jesus Christ, with Biblical principles and mission practice… to enhance effective discipleship’.

  • ‘A range of resources, helps, ideas and encouragement’.

  • ‘Helps you to build your cultural competency as you work with other countries. So, you can love well’.

See events details to register for the next event or e-mail 

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