About Us

About Us

Missions Interlink is the Australian network for global mission

We exist to connect Australians with a passion for global mission. Together, as God’s people, we can be more effective in cross-cultural and global mission, and demonstrate unity in Christ.

Operating across Australia, we provide training and networking opportunities, share information and resources, facilitate collaboration and high standards of practice, and advocate on behalf of our Members and Associates.


Missions Interlink is a ministry of the Australian Evangelical Alliance Inc.

ABN 54 056 007 820, a registered charity with ACNC.

Our History

Missions Interlink was established as a national body (the Missions Commission of the Australian Evangelical Alliance (AEA)) in 1986. At that time most Australian states already had mission networks with separate identities and memberships, the oldest of which was Evangelical Missionary Alliance (EMA) which was established in NSW in the 1940s.

In 2012 Missions Interlink became the sole activity of AEA. AEA’s other activities were reorganised as separate legal enitities linked together by an EA Family Covenant of co-operation and fellowship. The other members of the Covenant are Ethos Centre for Christianity and SocietyEA FoundationEA Insurance, and CMA.

Our Structure

Missions Interlink Australia (MI) is a national body with branches, networks, and activities in States and Territories. The activities of Missions Interlink are guided by the MI Regulations and overseen by the MI National Leadership Team (NLT).

State activities are overseen by State Ministry Teams. Each State/Territory Ministry Team has a representative on the NLT.

The NLT serves as a reference group for AEA. The governance of AEA is undertaken in accordance with the AEA Rules.

Our Community

Missions Interlink has over 150 constituents from organisations such as mission agencies, Bible colleges and local churches.

As a ministry of the Australian Evangelical Alliance Inc., we are affiliated with Ethos, CMA, EA Insurance Services and EA Foundation.

We are connected internationally through the WEA Mission Commission.

How can we serve your organisation today?


Become a Member

As a church, mission organisation or Bible college, you can become a part of our network. You will be connected with other like-minded ministries and able to access special benefits, resources and membership discounts. Learn more about member benefits.


Use our digital platforms

Check out our two digital platforms. Go to Mission Seek to find serving opportunities in Australia and overseas. Discover ways to support mission projects and Christian workers at Givehigher financially. Our member organisations have unlimited access to place their events, training, vacancies and mission trips and projects on both digital platforms at no extra cost.


Train with us

Equip your workers by training with us.  Our highly rated mission training programs focus on pre-field preparation for both short-term and long-term mission placements. Learn more.

Connect with us

Please email us with any concerns on matters of national interest and benefit to the mission.

Members Login

Log in for our Members and Associates.

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Contact Us

PO Box 5214 Pinewood VIC 3149


0401 864 834

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