Missions Interlink Victoria (MIV) operates with a passion to see churches in Victoria effectively engaged in cross-cultural and global mission.
MIV brings together mission organisations, training colleges, churches and service organisations to foster collaboration in a common purpose to promote, equip and inspire believers to reach the nations with the Gospel.
Network Lunch Opportunity for members of mission organisations, churches and training colleges to meet over lunch in a relaxed atmosphere, to find out what God is doing around the world.
Seminars and Workshops
Partnership with Belgrave Heights Convention enables mission organisations to have stands at the various conventions and be part of seminars and workshops
Annual Celebration Dinner
Member Care
Arranges seminars and events to equip and train people in aspects of missionary care. More details on the Member Care network page. Member Care resources can be found here.
Re-Entry Retreat Team including Re-Entry Camp for TCK's (Third Culture Kids )
An annual retreat that provides time to reflect on the challenges and achievements of serving in another culture.
Provision of time to explore reverse culture shock, consider the needs of the family and future direction.
Missionary Kids
Organises events to connect, support and encourage kids who have grown up in another culture. More details on our MK Network page.
MIST (Missions Interlink Short-term Training)
MIST training events introduce significant issues relating to life, work and Christian faith as a short-term worker serving in a cross-cultural setting. Weekend training runs from Friday evening to late Sunday afternoon. They usually occur in April and November each year.
For more information visit MIST page.
Activate Missions Conference
An annual event that brings together churches, students, young adults and mission organisations to inspire, challenge and mobilise young adults towards involvement in cross-cultural and global mission.
For more information visit the Activate website