Missionary Kids Network

Missionary Kids Network

MI Networks

What is the TCK Network?

If you're a Missionary Kid (MK) currently living in Victoria, Australia, this is the group for you. 

The  TCK (MK) Network is a community of MKs and TCKs from roughly high school to uni age. Together we have fun, encourage one another, and work together to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural transition and growing as children of God.

The TCK Network in Victoria and NSW aims to create an environment where MKs can comfortably interact and receive support from each other. We encourage MKs to value their uniqueness and realise their full potential in Christ.

Get connected, find out what event we're having next, and get in touch with other MKs.

Missionary Kids 1missionary-kids-2missionary-kids-3

What are our events like?

Games and movie nights, day-trip adventures, bowling, trampolining, soccer comps, and craft afternoons are just some of the events we have in a 'normal' year! This year we've done a lot more events online for the first time, including joining NSW annual camp in Winmalee! We typically hold an event a month and mix things up a bit with a more chill catch up and then some more out-and-about events.

Ours is a pretty varied network, and there are always some regulars, new attendees, or old friends who have come along to say 'hi!' so all our events are a friendly, warm space to meet some other MKs! We know that it can be a daunting experience coming along for the first time. So, if you'd like to catch up with the leaders beforehand, ask a few questions, or have us connect you with some MKs with similar backgrounds or experiences, don't hesitate to contact us. We're keen to meet you!

What has been happening?

Check out past bulletins

Want to get involved?

Email: vicmknetwork@gmail.com Phone: 0401 978 192 (Bethany Donker)

Join the Facebook Group here.

We need more leaders

We are currently looking for more leaders! If you are interested in supporting MKs who have returned to Australia or have some ideas for what you'd like to see the MK Network do in your state, then contact us! We would love to have some new perspectives, experiences and insights into serving one another.

NSW MK Network

The NSW MK Network is a community of MKs and TCKs from roughly high school to uni age. Together we have fun, encourage one another, and work together to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural transition and growing as children of God. We have events in the greater Sydney region every few months and an annual camp in Winmalee.

If you've ever felt misunderstood and like you don't belong anywhere, come meet people who totally get it! We love making new friends.

Join us on Facebook: NSW MK Network

Or contact us at mknetworknsw@gmail.com to say hi or sign up for our newsletter.


Email: tcknational@missionsinterlink.org.au (Kath Williams)

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PO Box 5214 Pinewood VIC 3149


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