Profession: spiritual director, pastor
Professional Qualification: qualified last year as a spiritual director through Wellspring and Whitley College.
Cross Cultural Experience: works as an associate pastor at Essendon Baptist Community Church. In the 1980's her late husband and she served with Mission Aviation Fellowship in Papua New Guinea and briefly in Tanzania. Her daughter and son-in-law were with All Nations in Cape Town. She has also lived for 20 years in Hong Kong. Although that was not with a mission organisation directly, her late husband and she were directly involved with a number of mission groups during our time there. So she has some understanding of the pressures involved in mission and cross-cultural living.
Tel: 0418-148-930
Profession: spiritual director, registered counsellor
Professional Qualification: a Bachelor Degree in Applied Social Science (Counselling), a Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction, and a Masters degree in Counselling Practice
Workplase: Aldinga Beach Retreat house south of Adelaide
Cross Cultural Experience: "I have worked in cross-cultural ministry in Asia for 11 years. Returning to Australia I worked in member care for cross-cultural workers for 3 1/2 years before returning back to study where I have now completed a Bachelor Degree in Applied Social Science (Counselling), a Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction, and a Masters degree in Counselling Practice. I am both a registered counsellor and spiritual director. I also run the Aldinga Beach Retreat house south of Adelaide, near the beach and nature reserve, a low-cost retreat house for cross-cultural workers. I am available to meet with people either at the retreat house if staying there, or at other locations in Adelaide. My fee is $60 per session".
Profession: spiritual director, pastor
Professional Qualification: Rachael Litchfield completed the Graduate Diploma of Spiritual Direction.
Workplace: Interserve Australia
Cross Cultural Experience: Served cross-culturally in Thailand and Cambodia for many years, raised children in those contexts and involved in team member care. In recent years have been serving as personnel director for Interserve Australia.
Email: ,
Tel: +61 412304516
Profession: spiritual director, pastor, mentor and lecturer
Professional Qualification: accredited spiritual director (AECSD & ASDA) and teaches on Cross-cultural spiritual direction. Ph.D (Missiology)
Workplace: AECSD & ASDA
Cross Cultural Experience: Rev. Dr. Xiaoli Yang - Xiaoli has been serving in Australia and overseas as a pastor, mentor and lecturer over the last twenty years. She is an accredited spiritual director (AECSD & ASDA) and teaches on Cross-cultural spiritual direction. Having worked in both cross-cultural and multi-cultural settings, she offers contextual insights, loves to journey with people and see them grow in their intimacy with God. She is also fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and a few other dialects.
Profession: spiritual director
Professional Qualification: spiritual director, Master of Spirituality (University of Divinity)
Workplace: Wycliffe and SIL
Cross Cultural Experience: Roslyn Manson - graduated as a spiritual director in 2017, having completed an accredited 3-year formation program. In 2018 she graduated with a Master of Spirituality from the University of Divinity. With her husband, they are members of Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL International. They are currently based in Melbourne with SIL Australia, where Roslyn’s role is focussed on spiritual formation. Prior to being based in Melbourne, they served with SIL International in South East Asia, based in Thailand, where they worked in Bible translation & language development, training and leadership, and raised our kids. She practices as a spiritual director within Wycliffe and SIL and beyond.
Tel.: +61 42 177 981
Profession: spiritual director,ordained Baptist Minister, qualified to provide a debriefing.
Professional Qualification: ordained Baptist Minister and qualified as a spiritual director (Wellspring)
Workplace: Interserve and Missions Interlink
Cross Cultural Experience: Bruce Newnham – is an ordained Baptist Minister and qualified as a spiritual director (Wellspring) about 20 years ago. He has always had a passion for turning peoples focus to God and helping them to find depth in their relationship with Him. Bruce is a TCK brought up in Bangladesh. He has served as a cross-cultural worker in Bangladesh, Malawi and Central Asia. He has held many pastoral roles, mainly in the pastoral care area. He is currently a member care worker with Interserve and Missions Interlink. Bruce has also qualified to provide a debriefing.
Profession: spiritual director, ordained Baptist Minister, qualified to provide a debriefing.
Professional Qualification: an ordained Baptist Minister; qualified as a spiritual director;qualified to provide a debriefing.
Workplace: Global Member Care Network
Cross Cultural Experience: Karen Newnham – is an ordained Baptist Minister and qualified as a spiritual director (Wellspring) over 20 years ago. She has worked overseas in Bangladesh, Malawi and Central Asia. She is currently a Member Care worker with Interserve, Missions Interlink and the Global Member Care Network. Karen also works part-time as a Multicultural pastor in Melbourne. Karen has a passion for member care and specifically for helping people to hear God’s movement in their lives. Karen has also qualified to provide a debriefing.
Profession: spiritual director
Professional Qualification: holds a Certificate in Spiritual Direction amongst many other qualifications (including Dip. Ministry & Nursing). She has been a minister with the Salvation Army
Workplace: SA
Cross Cultural Experience: Anne Cook - holds a Certificate in Spiritual Direction amongst many other qualifications (including Dip. Ministry & Nursing). She has been a minister with the Salvation Army. Anne has been on 15 plus short term mission trips to Philippines, China, and DR Congo (up to six weeks at a time). These trips have ranged from evangelism and church planting to medical missions. She runs a contemplative community at her homeland is actively a member of the ANSD association.
Profession: spiritual director
Professional Qualification: Spiritual Director
Workplace: Shalom Counselling Services,
Cross Cultural Experience: Margie Upson trained in Spiritual Direction with Spiritual Growth Ministries, New Zealand/Aotearoa. This was with a particular hope to be available for those living and working overseas. She spent 17 years in Nigeria and 2 years in France working as debriefers. Currently, she is in touch with a number of mission partners on a regular basis for spiritual direction.
Skype: margie.upson;
Tel.: +64, 220878986