How can you contribute as members of MI towards MI's vision?
Click here for the MI MINT vision.
Are you aware of these other Benefits?

Do you have visitors coming? Want to book a trip to Litchfield National Park? You can receive a 10% discount, along with Mutki mission receiving 10%. Mutki seeks to create opportunities for disadvantage women and children in India and Sri Lanka to lift themselves out of powety and live meaningful lives of hope, safety and empowerment. See tours that are run by Rob with ethical adventures. Quote this code: MUKTI121

Are you an MI member and would like to meet up with me (Rachel) as MINT Ministry leader in person? Let me know. Do you have an idea that works across missions and would like to partner, to gain approval for it to be run as an MI event?

Have you asked to join the Missions Interlink NT Facebook group?

E-mail me, so I can invite you to join a calendar of mission events in the NT using Outlook. Also let me know if you have mission events to put on this calendar.
As an Associate/Member, you can have access to my reports to the MI National Leadership Team. Please e-mail me to ask for these reports.