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Global Missions Forum 2022 Content

Global Missions Forum (GMF) is a forum to bring the missions community together to further God's global mission.

Our theme for 2022 is Serving as Senders

The forum is for representatives from Mission Agencies, Training Colleges, Mission Pastors and Student Group Leaders.

All 3 sessions and one elective is available for you to download if you purchase the GMF 2022 Content. Elective 1: Serving Secure Missionaries is not available for download due to security reasons.

Session One: God's Word: A Sending Church (Eugene Hor)

Session Two: Local First? How the Global and Local Interact for Mission (Graeme Dunkley)

Session Three: Where do Missionaries come from? (Ed Grudier)

Elective 2: Cross-Cultural Apprenticeships

Please enjoy and use the content for enhancing your ministry and work in the global missions field. 

Note on fees:*MI Members/Associates Individuals who are part of an organisation, church or ministry that is either a Member, an Associate or a Friend of Missions Interlink, see here for the list. To join MI, click here

We want to provide the most up to date, relevant and engaging resources for our community involved in aspects or global mission. If you know if any Resources we can share, please contact us.

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