
Christian Spirituality in Aboriginal Australian context


Their Way: Towards Indigenous Warlpiri Christianity by Ivan Jordan

A wonderful book about the development of the Christian 'purlapa' (traditional dance) and Warlpiri iconography are two of the most significant phenomena in the history of missions in Australia.

Click here to borrow the book from CDU


The Lamb Enters the Dreaming by Robert Kenny

A unique, seminal work about co-opted beliefs when European missionaries encountered Australian Aboriginals.

Click here to buy the book.


Blood bones and spirit: Aboriginal Christianity in an East Kimberly Town by Heather McDonald

In this fascinating and beautifully written book, Heather McDonald examines Aboriginal people's experiences of colonialism and post-colonialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Click here to buy the book.


Kanyini video

“I urge everyone to watch Kanyini. It is entirely compelling and incredibly important. Bob tells his life story with such simplicity, eloquence and awareness. As we watch it, we realise his story is also our story. It is a film that reminds us of the truth of life, as well as the truth of Australia's history. Not just between black and white, but our relationship with all that surrounds us and our tendency to attempt to segregate - unsuccessfully - time and time again.” ​ Toni Collette Australian actress and musician

Click here to watch the video online.


Anderson's view on Aboriginal Christian Spirituality: "Who are you putting first in your life?”

Anderson's Christian experience is foundationally shaped by his convictions of the Holy Spirit in his reading of the Bible. The paper unpacks Anderson’s experience of culture and the way in which it has informed his spiritual life and navigation of Christian and Indigenous traditions. While the primary objective of this paper is to allow Anderson George to speak on his own terms, some supporting literature enables the authors to frame Anderson’s position on navigating both cultural traditions, both in terms of presenting the nuances embedded in anthropological notions of indigenisation along with Anderson’s, and the “One Way” movement’s theological distinctive.

Click here to read the article as a PDF.


Rodney Rivers - Australia, My Country: The smoking ceremony and it’s accursed effects

Rodney is an indigenous Aboriginal from the Kimberley in NW Australia. This article warns you about the dangerous consequences and the curses they will unknowingly put on themselves when involved in smoking ceremonies. 

Click here to read the article on the website.


Clearing the smoke - why Christians differ on smoking ceremonies

This short article comes from Eternity news 2021. 

Click here to read the article.


Towards an Aboriginal Theology

In this article, Graham Paulson at Common Grace attempts to address the issues about 'What kind of theology can hold together, with integrity, both Indigenous and Christian identity?

Click here to read it as a PDF (12 pages)

Nungalinya youtube channel

Nungalinya is an Indigenous Bible College in Darwin that emphasises empowering Indigenous Christians. A number of these videos are their students sharing their story, as part of their Media studies. 

'Indigenous Ministry Now You See It; Now You Don’t'

This article will challenge you about how the church can look different in Aboriginal ministry. This article was written by Phil Zamagias in 2015. Great to read.

'The Aboriginalisation of the Church at Ngukurr'

This thesis, written by Joy Lorraine Sandefur, studies Aboriginal agency in contextualising the Christian message at St Matthew’s Church, Ngukurr, in Arnhem Land. The thesis focuses on finding an appropriate approach to understanding the relationship between Aboriginal agency and the contextualisation of the Christian message.

'A Christian Perspective on Smoking Ceremonies'

An Aboriginal Christian Elder, Rodney Rivers, wrote an article about smoking ceremonies. In it he expressed passionately and powerfully that Smoking Ceremonies were bringing a curse upon the people who participated.

Christian action dance songs used regularly in fellowship

Search Songs in Youtube for Video
  • Jermaine Edwards - Make A Way

  • Zach Williams - No Longer Slaves (Lyrics) Casting Crowns, Hillsong United, Hillsong Worship

  • Sinach | Way Maker - Official Video

  • Mighty Man of War - Jimmy D Psalmist (Official Video)

  • Everything is Blessed (Official Music Video)

  • Elshaddai Music - Covenant Keeping God | Victoria Orenze

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