A Hybrid World
Diaspora, Hybridity, and Missio Dei
Sadiri Joy Tira and Juliet Uytanlet
This edited book is a compendium of 16 papers presented at the “Hybridity, Diaspora, and Mission Dei: Exploring New Horizons Consultation,” sponsored by the Lausanne Movement and the Global Diaspora Network in June 2018 at the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines. The book presents how academics and practitioners engaged in hybridity wrestle with its challenges, opportunities, and implications to the mission of God and global missions. The book includes topics like Jewish-Gentile intermarriage, mistizaje (Spanish term for mixture), Japanese dekasegi (migrant worker), and coconut generation (metaphor for Indian Americans or Westernized Asian Indians). Finally, the compendium advocates that hybridity is a major offshoot of migration that needs to be appreciated and addressed by the global church.

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