MI FRIEND (Organisation)


  • Free access to unlimited advertising of employment and short & long term mission opportunities on Mission Seek

  • Free access to unlimited listings of the projects to seek fundraising on our mission giving platform Give Higher


Access to resources

  • Not-For-Profit Governance - MI assists in the dissemination and comprehension of legislative information

  • Templates for Mission-related policies and procedures

  • Access to a network of amazing mission speakers and other college mission leaders

  • Webinars

  • Discounted (and often free) webinars on global mission and not-for-profit issues, as well as professional areas like security, social media, adult learning etc

Financial benefits

  • Significant discount for MI events, retreats and training programs

  • Free access to unlimited listings of the projects to seek fundraising on our mission giving platform Give Higher

  • Free access to unlimited advertising of employment and short & long term mission opportunities on Mission Seek 


Representation and advocacy on matters of mutual concern at a national government level. 

Together we: 

  • Work in unity as God’s children 

  • Promote and showcase global mission opportunities and needs 

  • Demonstrate integrity through compliance with high standards 

  • Equip, train, care for and mobilise our workers 

  • Build credibility through advocacy 

  • Create efficiencies and partnership 

  • Present our common needs and concerns to the government 

  • Gather and share information and resources 

PLEASE NOTE: MI Friends (organisation) category is not membership of Missions Interlink but a way to network and collaborate with the MI network. The category is open only for non-sending churches and non-sending training organisations.

A church or training organisation can be defined as non-sending if it is not involved in sending missionaries locally and overseas or financially funding overseas projects, personnel, missionaries independently of Mission or Christian development and aid agency (third party). 

MI FRIEND (Individual)

For an annual fee of AUD55 (1 July – 31 June), you will have access to the following benefits:

  • A 30% registration fee discount for National and State events, retreats and MI training

  • Access to a network of amazing mission speakers and other college mission leaders.

  • Discounted (and often free) webinars on global mission and not-for-profit issues, as well as professional areas like security, social media, adult learning etc.

  • Access to members-only resources and newsletters.

  • Access to Members-only events.

  • Aldinga beach retreat.

PLEASE NOTE: MI Friends (Individual) category is not membership of Missions Interlink but a way to network and collaborate with the MI network. The category is open only for alumni and retirees of mission agencies and ministries formerly involved with Missions Interlink. 

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+613 9013 4004

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